Great Effects Of Anti Inflammatory Foods

By Annabelle Holman

Inflammation can be caused by things you eat. If your diet is based on inflammatory food, it will increase your chances for cardiovascular diseases and other health problems. You can even feel pain more intensively, especially pain related to arthritis, if your diet isn't properly balanced. Anti inflammatory foods have numerous positive effects on your health as well as on your weight.

All types of junk food, high fat meat, highly processed food, trans fats, sugar and refined flour have inflammatory effect on your organism. Although most things you consume have some effect on your blood sugar level and increase it, good stuff will increase it slowly, and junk food will increase it sharply, causing all kinds of harmful processes in your body.

Anti inflammatory food has entirely different effect on your body. It reduces inflammation and ensures proper functioning of your entire organism. Strangely, but it also decreases the level of pain. Anti.inflammatory diet is based on fresh and unrefined ingredients. Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain bread, low-fat and non-fat milk products, preferably organic, walnuts, soy and all other food rich in minerals, vitamins, anti-oxidants and healthy fatty acids.

Fruits are especially valuable source of anti-oxidants, in the first place brightly colored ones such as berries. Fruits usually don't contain much fat, but avocado is a great source of mono-saturated acids that is absolutely beneficial for you. Nuts and seeds, for example flax-seeds, walnuts and almonds, are valuable sources of highly beneficial substances your body needs to stay healthy.

Although fats are calorie rich, you need to include them in your diet as well. Your body needs them to be able to work properly. Your brain, for example, needs them especially. You should choose healthy fats, such as those contained in olive or canola oil, but in reasonable amounts. Remember that some other sources of fat are included in your diet, for example nuts and seeds, meat and fish.

Most fish and seafood can be used as very good anti-inflammatory protein sources. Tuna, salmon and sardines should be on your menu at least once a week. Use fresh fish and prepare it yourself. Processed and canned food has inflammatory effect, and although you don't have to avoid it completely, highly processed and fried food is always a health hazard.

You may drink different herbal teas, mineral or spring water or even tap water, but you need to avoid sodas and similar beverages. They contain high levels of sugar, and processed sugar is your enemy. If you need something sweet in your beverages, use stevia instead. Drink vegetable and fruit juices, without added sugar. Choose dark green and brightly colored fruits, and be careful with calorie rich fruits such as banana.

This type of diet is really very healthy one. It contains fresh ingredients, very low levels of sugars, fats and refined food, in fact, it is very similar to Mediterranean food. Almonds, fish, olive oil, fresh fruits and vegetables, very small amounts of lean meat. This food is easy to prepare, full of valuable nutrients and highly beneficial. You are allowed to drink some coffee, it has similar effect, too.

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