Learn Tai Chi Basics For Dummies

By Stacey Burt

Tai Chi has always been regarded as a way to be able to increase health and boost the immune system because of its slow movements and its relaxing nature. Now in this martial art, there are two aspects that one would look at namely the internal aspect and external aspect. If one would want to learn tai chi, then he would have to learn both of these aspects.

Now the very first part of this art would be all about the internal aspect of the martial art namely all about the health aspect. Now in Tai Chi, the key having a healthy body is in knowing how to breathe properly and in a way that one can be able to harness his inner energy or his chi. Now it is this chi that is inside of him that will make him healthier both on the inside and the outside.

Now if one would want to harness his chi, he has to first be able to control his breathing and breathe through his abdomen. To do this, he has to first inhale and fill his abdomen with oxygen. After he does this, he should breathe our and deflate his stomach so that carbon dioxide comes out.

Now if one would want to do this martial art properly, then he has to make sure that this would be the new way that he would breathe from now on. So of course he would have to keep on practicing if he would want to get it right. Once he has done that, then he can learn about the basic stances.

The first stance that one will be learning in this art would be the horse stance. The horse stance is a very crucial stance in this art because it is the stance that one will be assuming most of the time while he is doing his forms. It is also the stance wherein one will be relaxed the most.

So for those who would want to try out this basic stance at home, basically it is done by first spreading the legs open in shoulder width and relaxing the entire body. Once one has already relaxed his body, then he has to now breathe in slowly and exhale while he bends his legs. Now all he has to do now would be to keep on practicing that stance until he will be able to hold on to that stance for around fifteen or more minutes.

Now once he has already learned how to do the horse stance, the next stance that he will be doing is the bow rider stance which is a lunge. After that, he will do a cat stance wherein his back leg will carry majority of the weight. From there, he will practice shifting from one stance to another.

Once one has already learned all of the stances, he will be taught how to use them in doing forms. Along with the forms, he will also be adding a few hand movements to go along with that. From there, he will be practicing these forms in sequence.

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