The Main Principles Of Bunion Surgery San Francisco Residents Should Know

By Marissa Velazquez

Bunions are deformities that affect the toes. They are associated with a medical condition known as hallux valgus. This condition is characterized by an abnormally outwardly turned big toe. The bones of the big toe are subsequently oriented in an abnormal direction and subjected to excessive pressure when one puts on shoes. Treatment of this condition is mainly through conservative measures. If these measures fail then surgical correction is indicated. When planning to have bunion surgery San Francisco residents should ensure that they consult widely.

This condition is particularly common in persons that have improperly fitting shoes. Pointed shoes tend to squeeze the fit into unnatural positions. Excessive pressure is exerted on protruding parts leading to recurrent inflammation and healing. Eventually, bunions are formed. There is also a role for hereditary factors in a few cases.

If allowed to progress, these lesions become very painful and cause significant deformity. This is often the cause for those that are caused by arthritis. One of the non-surgical measures that can be undertaken is to change shoes to those that are properly fitting. The shoes that are chosen should conform to the shape of feet to avoid exerting excess pressure on prominent bony areas.

According to research many of the people who undergo the procedure respond positively. Only a small proportion may require more corrective procedures. The aims of surgical correction include pain reduction, realignment of joints and correction of any other deformities. The exact measures to be undertaken are determined by a number of factors that include the age, the general health status, severity and level of activity.

As if for any type of treatment, the first step if for the surgeon to take a comprehensive history on the condition and to do a physical. The history will help rule out the presence of any other diseases such as diabetes and arthritis all of which may manifest with similar symptoms. Radiological and laboratory examinations are then requested to locate the exact site of the problem.

Being a minor procedure, it is frequently done in the outpatient department. The patient is required to arrive at the facility early enough so that proper assessment can be done by the anesthetist and the attending surgeon. Alternatively one might be required to be admitted on the day preceding the surgery. Regional anesthesia is typically used but general anesthesia may be used in some cases. The total time taken from start to finish is about 1 hour.

The time required for recovery varies from one person to another. This time is mainly dependent on the type of connective tissue that was affected. On average, most people report recovery within six months. There are a number of measures that can be put in place to ensure that healing takes place in the right way. When showering, cover the area to make sure that it does not come into contact with water. Wooden shoes, splints and walking shoes are recommended.

There are several complications associated bunion surgery San Francisco residents need to know. They include nerve damage, recurrence of the bunions, degenerative joint disease, persistent pain and swelling and infection in the bone or soft tissue. These complications are treatable. However, they affect the time taken to achieve full recovery. In most cases, the surgeon explains the various options that can be used to treat the complications.

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